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I hope that you guys have had a great week. We have been so busy here, with Pig being part of several Nutcracker dance performances. Between the rehearsals, performances, and the time change, we are exhausted!

In my post on Otto’s Naturals Cassava Flour, I mentioned that we eat cassava as Yuca Frita.

This recipe is a weekly tradition at our house because it’s so easy to make. Since our schedule is so busy, and we can’t stop anywhere to pick up meals it’s nice to have a quick meal in our arsenal of allergy friendly meals.

This yuca frita is so delicious! Golden and crispy on the outside, while warm and gooey on the inside.

In our culture, we love to eat yuca (aka Cassava) in two particular ways… 

As Yuca Hervida con Mojo (boiled yuca with mojito), which is boiled yuca then mixed with oil, garlic, and onions; and  Yuca Frita, which is fried yuca, but since we like to keep things healthy, we don’t fry our yuca, instead we use the oven.

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 40 minutes

Total time: 60 minutes


  1. One 5 pound bag of frozen yucca in a pressure cooker or Instant Pot (this one is only $79 right now!) and cook for approximately 16 minutes. *
  2. Release air pressure and remove each yuca piece and place on a pan that’s been coated with your choice of oil. We use Olive Oil.
  3. In the center of the yuca, you’ll find a string like fiber. Remove this from each individual piece. Don’t worry, it’s easy to do!
  4. Place the pieces of yuca on the oil coated pan and remove these fibers. Repeat this process until your pan is full. Only place the yuca side by side…filling in any gaps, but don’t place them on top of each other.
  5. Once your pan is full, use your fork to lightly mash them a bit in a raking manner.
  6. Spray some olive oil on top of the yuca, then sprinkle your favorite salt (we use Himalayan, like this one).
  7. Turn your oven Broiler on high and cook for approximately 20-30 minutes, or until golden brown.

** If you don’t have a pressure cooker or an Instant Pot, you can boil the yuca until tender. Bring the yuca to a boil, then lower to a simmer. Shouldn’t take more than about 20-30 minutes.

** You can find frozen yuca at your local Hispanic market.

That’s it! It’s so easy to make, and really doesn’t require a lot of time from you, except a watchful eye while the yuca is in the oven on Broil.

Did you try the recipe? Drop me a comment below and let me know how it turned out!