I love using Essential Oils. We use it for aches and pains, immune support, eczema relief, and so much more! So, I put together a list of my Top 5 Essential Oils.

Of course, I have a slew of Essential Oils to recommend, but let’s be honest, quality oils are not cheap. You can get started with these 5 oils for about $100!!

These 5 Essential Oils, can serve many different purposes, and they blend great together.

My absolute favorite oils are Lavender, Black Pepper, Cedarwood, Frankincense, and Bergamot.

I love these oils because they’re so versatile – it helps that they all smell fabulous!

None of these are Hot Oils, and they can all be used on children as young as 3 months, except for Black Pepper, which is recommended for ages 2+.

Why Lavender?

Lavender Bulgaria (my favorite variety) has a sweet floral smell, and blends well with almost every other Essential Oil you can think of.

Everyone should have this one in their stash because it’s got such a long list of property qualities.

It’s has a calming scent, with properties which help mood, sleep, and anxiety.

It’s anti-inflammatory properties aid in circulation, which therefore helps in alleviating headaches/migraines, respiratory problems (like asthma and bronchitis), and even skin disorders like acne and eczema.

Why Black Pepper?

Black Pepper has become an unexpected favorite here!

It has a sweet-spicy aroma, and blends well with most EO’s.

It’s also very gentle on your skin, which is very important for my eczema prone kids.

With its warming qualities, it helps with inflammation and pain/ache relief, as well as mood.

It has anti-viral properties, so you’ll get an immunity boost.

Why Cedarwood?

Cedarwood has a more woodsy scent, and I find that it balances the sweeter smelling oils (like  Lavender and Bergamot) very well.

It makes a great insecticide (to keep those mosquitoes or horse flies away), reduces inflammation, and loosens phlegm (an expectorant).  

It also makes for a great DIY “perfume” for the man in your life.

Note: If you’re pregnant, you should avoid this oil. You should also avoid using this oil in high concentrations. Like always, use smart dilution practices.

Why Frankincense?

Frankincense takes some getting used to, and you only need a teeny tiny amount. The smell can be overwhelming, but that’s because it’s a powerful oil.

It’s known for boosting the immune system with its antiseptic and disinfectant properties. It’s also a great expectorant, so it helps with asthma, bronchitis. It also helps with cell regeneration since it has powerful astringent properties, which means you can use it to help heal all sorts of skin conditions like cuts, scars, eczema.

Why Bergamot?

Bergamot is in the citrus family, and it smells absolutely divine!

It’s great to have in your stash because it improves circulation, which means it will help with mood, headaches, and even sleep. It’s also has antibacterial benefits, and promotes skin healing so it’s great to use on skin for eczema or even acne and scars. It even helps with reducing fevers. Let’s not forget how amazing it smells, which means, it’ll make for a great deodorizer, DIY deodorant, or DIY room air fresheners.

** Note: Bergamot will create photosensitivity. This means that it can discolor your skin if used while getting direct sunlight.

You can use all of these oils as blends or stand-alones. You can diffuse them or apply them directly on your skin. They really are very versatile oils.

What are some of your favorite oils?